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Furniture Design

SIZE: 24 MB 652 PAGES Download link: Preface Wood is an excellent construction material, which has been used by people for thousands of years for the production of building constructions, machinery, tools, interior design, including furniture, accessories, and even jewellery. In particular, pieces of furniture made from wood are structures, which sometimes have not changed their form and technical solutions for several millennia. Many excellent furniture models were the work of outstanding designers, who have mastered all the details with reverence. To this day, they are appreciated and recognised among connoisseurs and collectors of works of art. Today, many countries have recognised design as a priority direction for the development of education and economy, seeing in it the quintessence of innovation and an opportunity to modernise European economy. However, it should be noted that modern furniture is not only the fruit of the work of ind...
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Oxford English for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

SIZE: 26MB - PAGES Download link: Oxford English for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering CEF B1/B2 Being intended for students of Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering as well as technicians and engineers, this course consisting of student’s book, cassette, and answer book can be used both for self-study and in class. Covering various topics in 30 units, the course aims to develop all four skills through a variety of tasks. Key features:  Helps learners to combine technical and language knowledge.  Authentic reading on a large variety of technical subjects, such as materials, mechanisms, forces, safety at work. (Table of contents: see below)  Comprehensive glossary of technical terms.  Easy to use for non-specialist teachers. Table of contents: Unit 1 Engineering Technical syllabus: General Unit 2 Courses Technical syllabus: General Unit 3 Materials Technical syllabus: Engineering materials Unit 4 Mechanisms ...

Mechanical Engineering Handbook by FRANK KREITH

SIZE: 46MB 999 PAGES Download link: Introduction Vectors. Equilibrium of Particles. Free-body Diagrams • Forces on Rigid Bodies • Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies • Forces and Moments in Beams • Simple Structures and Machines Distributed Forces • Friction • Work and Potential Euergy •Moments of Inertia 3 Dynamics 1-31 Kinematics of Particles • Kinetics of Particles • Kinetics ofSystems of Particles • Kinematics of Rigid Bodies • Kineticsof Rigid Bodies in Plane Motion • Energy and MomentumMethods for Rigid Bodies in Plane Motion • Kinetics of Rigid Bodies in Tkree Dimensions 4 Vibrations 1-57 Undamped Free and Forced Vibrations • Damped Free and Forced Vibrations • Vibration Control • Random Vibrations. Shock Excitations • Multiple-Degree-of-Freedom Systems. Modal Analysis • Vibration-Measuring Instruments 5 Mechanics of Materials 1-67 Stress * Strain • Mechanical Behaviors and Properties of Materials • Uniaxial Elastic Defonn...

Handbook of Renewable Energy Technology

SIZE: 31 MB 874 PAGES Download link: Preface Effects of environmental, economic, social, political and technical factors have led to the rapid deployment of various sources of renewable energy-based power generation. The incorporation of these generation technologies have led to the development of a broad array of new methods and tools to integrate this new form of generation into the power system network. This book, arranged into six sections, tries to highlight various renewable energy based generation technologies. Section 1 provides a general overview of the wind power technology, where the classification of wind turbines based on generators, power electronic converters, and grid connection is described in detail. In Chapter 1, the fundamentals of wind power systems and their design aspects are presented; the modeling methods ofthe wind phenomenon and turbine mechanical system are described in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 presents modeling and in...

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning By R.S Khurmi

SIZE: 21 MB 575 PAGES Download link: Introduction 1. Définition. 3. Derived Units. 5. S.L Units (International System oj Units). 7. Kilogram. 9, Kelvin. 11. Rules for S.L Units. 13. Force. 15. Tkermodynamic Systems. 17. Stateof a System. 19- Absobite Température. 21. Equality of Température. 23. Gauge Pressure and Absobite Pressure. 25. Standard Température and Pressure. 27. 7ype of Stored Energy. 29. Sensible Heat 31. Spécifie Heat 33. Hb/fc 35. ComparUon of Heat and Work. 37. £aw o/ Thermodynamies. 39. laies o/ JVi/ecf Gas<rÎ. 41. JouU'sLaw. 43. Spécifie Heats ofa Cas. 45. Ratio of Spécifie Heats. 47. Tkermodynamic Processes. 49. Application of First Law of Tkermo~ dynamics to a Non-Jlow Process. 51. Tkermodynamic Cycle. 53. FtoM» Processes. 1.1 Définition The term Refrigeration may bc defined as the process of lemoving heat from a substance under controlled conditions. It also includes the process of reducing...

Geometric and Engineering Drawing 3rd Ed

SIZE: 2MB 360 PAGES Download link: Preface   Our world has become one where computers are used to solve many problems quickly and accurately. We use calculators to solve arithmetical problems, word pro-cessors to check spelling and grammar in texts and computer-aided design (C.A.D.) programs to do much of our drawing for us. However, in the same way that we need to know what  ϩ ,  Ϫ ,  ϫ  and  ÷  mean when we press that symbol on a calculator, and we need to be able to write a text before we can ask a word processor to check it, in the same way we need knowledge and understanding of geometric and engineering drawing before we can use computers   to help us with design. These understandings can come through studying and using this book.  This   third edition starts with and introduces the tools needed for technical draw-ing, with some basic exercises that will help you to practise these skills. Pa...

Wind Energy - Fundamentals, Resource Analysis and Economics

SIZE: 2 MB 252 PAGES Download link: Preface Growing energy demand and environmental consciousness have re-evoked human interest in wind energy. As a result, wind is the fastest growing energy source in the world today. Policy frame works and action plans have already been formulated at various corners for meeting at least 20 per cent of the global energy demand with new-renewables by 2010, among which wind is going to be the major player. In view of the rapid growth of wind industry, Universities, all around the world, have given due emphasis to wind energy technology in their undergraduate and graduate curriculum. These academic programmes attract students from diversified backgrounds, ranging from social science to engineering and technology. Fundamentals of wind energy conversion, which is discussed in the preliminary chapters of this book, have these students as the target group. Advanced resource analysis tools derived and applied are...